To be closer to Batur Mountain in Bali

This is my late post because I went to Bali last year. I have chance to be closer to Batur Mountain in Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia.

Along my trip to Batur, there are many sceneries I have not see before. Well, I always visit Bali around Denpasar and Kuta.

The most interesting scenery is Lava fields from Mount Batur eruption. I thought the lava field can be reached by my hand, in a fact there are like a Cliff!

Lava Cliff. Taken by Fariz

This is so beautiful with its scenery. Finally I be able to take a picture with Batur Mountain background. Because I always visit Bali and never going down to the Valley and always see Batur Lake and its mountain from above.

Well I never stop to take a picture along my trip to going down until to be closer to Batur Mountain.

Doc: Fariz

This is the road when I am going closer to the mountain. The road is fine but not with the steep way. Bus is not recommended to go by this way. I am lucky because when my motorcycle brake was failure but I am still safe.

Mount Batur

If you are going to be closer to Batur Mountain, please keep your vehicle is in good condition.

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